Goddess In The House
Mar 15, 2016
When it comes to practicing math facts, my daughter wants no part in it. Quite honestly, I can’t blame her. It’s boring to sit there with a pile of flashcards, flipping on over at a time to test yours...
Mar 12, 2016
Does your child play mobile games on your smart phone all day long? Do you think it’s interfering with her/his productive study time? Do we cut down on the games, or cut down on education? As parents...
The Daily Stuff
Mar 12, 2016
If you are looking for a fun and entertaining way to teach and improve your kids’ math skills, here is the perfect fit for you. The Zapzapmath is an amazing and educational app that will help your chi...
Mar 12, 2016
If you are looking for a fun and entertaining way to teach and improve your kids’ math skills, here is the perfect fit for you. The Zapzapmath is an amazing and educational app that will help your chi...
Tech Virtous
Mar 12, 2016
If you are looking for a fun and entertaining way to teach and improve your kids’ math skills, here is the perfect fit for you. The Zapzapmath is an amazing and educational app that will help your chi...
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