
Bursting with Ideas

IN FOCUS - World Islamic Economic Forum

Aug 4, 2017

10 of 30 selected startups were chosen to pitch to potential investors. The finalists were ZapZapMath, Pointland, Wahdah, Glueck, BolehCompare, MoneyMatch, MoneyBay, Moovby, CheQQme and CXS.

Fun Educational Apps For Kids – Zapzapmath

Our Ordinary Life

Aug 3, 2017

I really liked that Zapzapmath has a Kindergarten Math program. Each level there are different games and things to learn.

Make Math Fun Again

Crystal & Co.

Aug 2, 2017

Zapzapmath offers an awesome educational math game that is perfect for kids! They just released their Kindergarten mobile app that is filled with fun educational games exclusively for Kindergarten!

Common Sense Media on Zap Zap Kindergarten Math

Common Sense Media

Jul 25, 2017

Parents need to know that Zap Zap Kindergarten Math is the Kindergarten-only companion to the Zap Zap Math app. This version is an improvement on the original as kids see the correct answers when they...

Zap Zap Kindergarten Math

Real Mom Reviews

Jul 25, 2017

Playing Zap Zap Kindergarten Math is a great way to develop and reinforce your kids’ math skills while also leading them to acquire critical thinking skills