Download Grade K app here:
In this app, kids learn to count, to use numbers to represent number of objects, addition and subtraction, measurable attributes, and shapes.
Download Grade 1 app here:
In this app, kids learn to add and subtract, understand place value, measure and compare lengths, tell time, and understand shapes.
Download Grade 2 app here:
In this app, kids work on multiplication, place values, understanding lengths, time and money problems, and reasoning with shapes.
Download Grade 3 app here:
In this app, kids learn about multiplication and division, fractions, measurements, area, perimeter, and reasoning with shapes.
Download Grade 4 app here:
In this app, kids learn about factor pairs, number patterns, rounding, equivalent fractions, decimals and classifying shapes.
Download Grade 5 app here:
In this app, kids learn about math expressions, converting measurements, understanding volume, coordinates, and classifying 2D figures.
Download Grade 6 app here:
In this app, kids learn about ratios, dividing fractions, common factors, equations, inequalities, and statistics.
Download Fraction Basics app here:
Looking for a smart way to master the basics of fractions? Our free app teaches you core fraction concepts via videos.
Download Fraction Calculator + Decimals app here:
Solve everyday fraction problems with functions like simplifying fractions, fractions-to-decimals and decimals-to-fractions.
Download Multiplication Flash Cards app here:
Designed to change how kids think about learning math, here they will learn to multiply up to 12x12 and to compare values.
Download Treasure Adventure: Numeracy app here:
In this research driven, fun and engaging app, kids improve their ability to recognize numbers and compare magnitude.