
MA 3.0

MA 3.1
Solve operation of addition within 18

MA 3.1.1
State the sum of two sets of objects

Cell Splicer

MA 3.1.2
State the sum by using objects based on the given situation

Fortune's 10

MA 3.1.3
State the sum by counting on from a specific number

Rail Fixer

MA 3.1.4
Write and state mathematical expressions using symbols; addition (+) and equal (=)

Rocket Engine

MA 3.1.5
Add in the range of basic facts

Cell Cloning

MA 3.1.6
Solve problems involving addition

Engine Slotter

MA 3.2
Solve operation of subtraction within 18

MA 3.2.1
Remove objects from a group of objects and count the balance

Zapple Pie

MA 3.2.2
State the balance using objects

Engine Slotter

MA 3.2.3
Write and state mathematical expressions using symbols; subtraction (-) and equal (=)

Rocket Engine

MA 3.2.4
Subtract in the range of basic facts

Cell Splicer

MA 3.2.5
Solve problems involving subtraction

Hacktifier 2