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Zapzapmath Grade 2 Home App
Grade 2
These 2nd grade math games are creatively prepared for the use of students in the second grade. Addition and subtraction math games are also included to help students identify simple strategies and methods to add and subtract, as well as apply them to real-life situations.
The games for second grade students will improve their skills in gaining understanding of money math, as well as addition and subtraction.
Zapzapmath understands the importance of introducing math games to students at an early age; that is why the games are carefully arranged to improve skills of second grade students significantly. With the instructions in these games, students will gain more knowledge required for their level as a second grade learner.
Skills that can be learned
Place values
Understand place values up to hundreds
Addition and subtraction
Add and subtract up to three digits by three digits
Counting money
Counting money in coins and bills
Games Available In This Grade