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Zapzapmath Grade 5 Home App
Grade 5
Our 5th grade math games are tailored according to the needs of students in 5th grade. The games enable the students to have a proper understanding of rounding decimals, multiplying fractions by whole numbers, as well as dividing fractions by whole numbers.
The games are prepared for 5th grade students to improve their knowledge and skills. These skills include rounding of decimals, knowing how to divide fractions by whole numbers, and multiplying fractions by whole numbers.
Topics are offered to help students have a comprehensive knowledge of whole numbers and rounding of decimals, as well as simple strategies for multiplying and dividing fractions by whole numbers.
Skills that can be learned
Multiplying fractions
Knowing how to multiply fractions by fractions
Dividing decimals
Knowing how to divide decimals by decimals
Rounding decimals
Knowing how to round decimals to any place
Games Available In This Grade