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Zapzapmath Grade 6 Home App
Grade 6
This section contains 6th grade math games which offer students to learn more about important key points in mathematics such as interpreting bar graphs, identifying the greatest common factor, and telling the median, mean, mode, and range. Sixth grade students who are introduced to these games will gain an extensive knowledge about topics of the significant math courses covered.
These 6th grade math games will provide students in the sixth grade with the best methods to use mathematical concepts such as median, mode, mean, range, and bar graphs as empirical evidences for data collection.
Skills that can be learned
Data distribution of bar graphs
Interpreting the distribution of data sets of bar graphs
Greatest common factor
Knowing how to find the greatest common factor
Mode, median, mean, and range
Knowing the meanings of mode, median, mean, and range
Fractions to percentage
Converting fractions to percentage
Games Available In This Grade