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Zapzapmath Grade 1 Home App
Grade 1
The first grade math games in this category comprise of basic topics in mathematics which include 3D shape, subtraction and addition math, and telling time.
As a renowned brand with a reputation for helping kids create genuine interest in math, Zapzapmath offers fun games for students in the first grade to help them maximize their potentials. It also contains first grade learning games that enable kids to practice skills for addition and subtraction.Engaging in this activity will assist the kids in the first grade to differentiate between the values of ones and tens. It also increases their proficiency in the composition of shapes and ordering objects by length and telling time to half hours.
Games embedded in this are provided by Zapzapmath for the benefit of first graders. Knowledge of these games will provide the required foundation needed for the development of the children in first grade class. These games will make the subject of math to be more exciting to them and also develop their creative abilities.
Skills that can be learned
Place values
Understand place values up to tens
Addition and subtraction
Using counting as a strategy to add and subtract
Telling time
Tell time up to half hours
Compose shapes using preexisting shapes
Games Available In This Grade

Subtraction Games : Treasure Hunter
Using counting as a strategy for adding and subtracting
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